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WhatsApp Image 2024-04-02 at 11.58.34.jpeg

Heathfield Academy

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-02 at 11.58.33.jpeg

We enjoy a close relationship with Heathfield Academy who are located adjacent to the church.


Their staff have commented that 'We have enjoyed good links with the church since we opened in 2017. We have worked well with each Minister who has served the church over the years. In our RE curriculum we learn about many religions and coming into the church to learn about Christianity has really benefited our children. The minister has come into school each year to take Harvest Festival Assemblies which the children thoroughly enjoy. The church has provided good support since the Ukraine crisis which many parents and carers have benefited from.

We hope to continue our strong links in the future.'


The school Breakfast Club has produced artwork to decorate the church on various occasions. Examples of their talented work are above.

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